Monday, October 22, 2012


So you're probably wondering where I get all my clothes that fit so well.. simple answer. Uniqlo and Jcrew.

However, if you are not wanting to splurge your whole paycheck on Jcrew, then Uniqlo is your better bet. The brand is japanese and is all about super minimalism. So is the price for each piece.. Ranging from 29.50 for a dress shirt that fits amazingly well to 99.99 for a blazer. Its relatively good quality with good fabric at a great price.

Check them out!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

I'm sure you've seen Looper with JGL by now.. I'm sure you noticed the impeccable wardrobe worn by Joe, so did I... (no homo)

One of the main looks that jump out as "classy as fuck" to me was the slacks, tie, and leather jacket combo. This is definitely a mix between rock&roll and "I have a fucken six figure job". If you have a chance to get your hands on a slim bomber with a collar (can also go moto) go ahead and pair it with a tie. Then if you walk confidently into a bar and the ladies see you in this combo, bartenders are going to have to put out "caution wet floor signs" all night.